" end if fp_fError = True Else ' Check for the no-record case if fp_rs.State <> 1 then fp_fError = True Response.Write fp_sNoRecords ElseIf fp_rs.EOF And fp_rs.BOF Then fp_fError = True Response.Write fp_sNoRecords end if end if end if ' determine whether or not provider supports Absolute Positioning if not fp_fError then if IsObject(fp_rs) and not(fp_rs.Supports(&H00004000)) then fp_iPageSize = 0 fp_fShowNavbar = False end if end if ' move to correct position in result set if not fp_fError then if fp_iPageSize > 0 then fp_iAbsPage = 1 fp_sVal = Session(fp_sEnvKey) if fp_sVal <> "" then fp_iAbsPage = CInt(fp_sVal) end if fp_rs.PageSize = fp_iPageSize if fp_iAbsPage > fp_rs.PageCount then fp_iAbsPage = fp_rs.PageCount fp_rs.AbsolutePage = fp_iAbsPage if fp_rs.PageCount = 1 then fp_fShowNavbar = False select case fp_sMoveType case "" ' do nothing case fp_sFirstLabel fp_rs.AbsolutePage = 1 case fp_sPrevLabel if fp_rs.AbsolutePage > 1 then fp_rs.AbsolutePage = fp_rs.AbsolutePage - 1 case fp_sNextLabel if fp_rs.AbsolutePage < fp_rs.PageCount then fp_rs.AbsolutePage = fp_rs.AbsolutePage + 1 case fp_sLastLabel fp_rs.AbsolutePage = fp_rs.PageCount case else ' do nothing end select fp_iAbsPage = fp_rs.AbsolutePage Session(fp_sEnvKey) = fp_iAbsPage end if end if if fp_fError then fp_fShowNavbar = False fp_iCount = 0 Do if fp_fError then exit do if fp_rs.EOF then exit do if fp_iPageSize > 0 And fp_iCount >= fp_rs.PageSize then exit do if fp_iMaxRecords > 0 And fp_iCount >= fp_iMaxRecords then ' MaxRecords didn't work; exit loop fp_fShowNavbar = False exit do end if %>
<% ' Close the loop iterating records fp_iCount = fp_iCount + 1 fp_rs.MoveNext Loop if fp_fShowNavbar then if fp_fTableFormat then if fp_iDisplayCols < 1 then fp_iDisplayCols = 16 Response.Write "" end if end if if IsObject(fp_rs) then FP_Close(fp_rs) FP_Close(fp_conn) end if set fp_dictInputs = Nothing set fp_rs = Nothing set fp_cmd = Nothing set fp_conn = Nothing FP_RestoreLocaleForPage %>




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      NOMBRE " size="20"> Parcial ó Completo
CIUDAD " size="20"> Parcial ó Completa

" size="2">MD, DC, VA        

ZIPCODE" size="5">       

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<% Sub FP_SetLocaleForPage On Error Resume Next Session("FP_OldCodePage") = Session.CodePage Session("FP_OldLCID") = Session.LCID Err.Clear if FP_CodePage <> 0 then Session.CodePage = FP_CodePage if Err.Number <> 0 then Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") end if Err.Clear if FP_LCID <> 0 then Session.LCID = FP_LCID if Err.Number <> 0 then Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") end if End Sub Sub FP_RestoreLocaleForPage On Error Resume Next if Session("FP_OldCodePage") <> 0 then Session.CodePage = Session("FP_OldCodePage") end if if Session("FP_OldLCID") <> 0 then Session.LCID = Session("FP_OldLCID") end if Err.Clear End Sub Function FP_HTMLEncode(str) FP_HTMLEncode = str FP_HTMLEncode = Replace(FP_HTMLEncode,"&","^^@^^") FP_HTMLEncode = Server.HTMLEncode(FP_HTMLEncode) FP_HTMLEncode = Replace(FP_HTMLEncode,"^^@^^","&") End Function Function FP_FieldVal(rs, fldname) FP_FieldVal = FP_HTMLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname)) if FP_FieldVal = "" then FP_FieldVal = " " End Function Function FP_Field(rs, fldname) If Not IsEmpty(rs) And Not (rs Is Nothing) and Not IsNull(rs(fldname)) Then Select Case rs(fldname).Type Case 128, 204, 205 ' adBinary, adVarBinary, adLongVarBinary FP_Field = "[#BINARY#]" Case 201, 203 ' adLongVarChar, adLongVarWChar if rs(fldname).DefinedSize > 255 then ' check for Access hyperlink fields (only absolute http links) fp_strVal = rs(fldname) fp_idxHash1 = InStr(LCase(fp_strVal),"#http://") if fp_idxHash1 > 0 then fp_idxHash2 = InStr(fp_idxHash1+1,fp_strVal,"#") if fp_idxHash2 > 0 then ' this is an Access hyperlink; extract the URL part fp_strVal = Mid(fp_strVal,fp_idxHash1+1) if Right(fp_strVal,1) = "#" then fp_strVal = Left(fp_strVal,Len(fp_strVal)-1) end if end if end if FP_Field = fp_strVal else FP_Field = rs(fldname) end if Case Else FP_Field = rs(fldname) End Select Else FP_Field = "" End If End Function Function FP_FieldHTML(rs, fldname) FP_FieldHTML = FP_HTMLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname)) End Function Function FP_FieldURL(rs, fldname) FP_FieldURL = Server.URLEncode(FP_Field(rs, fldname)) End Function Function FP_FieldLink(rs, fldname) FP_FieldLink = Replace(FP_Field(rs, fldname), " ", "%20") End Function Sub FP_OpenConnection(oConn, sAttrs, sUID, sPWD, fMSAccessReadOnly) Dim sTmp Dim sConnStr Dim fIsAccessDriver fIsAccessDriver = (InStr(LCase(sAttrs), "microsoft access driver") > 0) sConnStr = FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN(sAttrs) sTmp = sConnStr On Error Resume Next If fMSAccessReadOnly And fIsAccessDriver Then sTmp = sTmp & ";Exclusive=1;ReadOnly=1" Err.Clear oConn.Open sTmp, sUID, sPWD If Err.Description = "" Then Exit Sub End If Err.Clear oConn.Open sConnStr, sUID, sPWD End Sub Function FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN(sAttrs) FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN = sAttrs sDrv = "driver=" sDSN = "dsn=" sLC = LCase(sAttrs) if InStr(sLC, sDSN) < 1 then exit function idxFirst = InStr(sLC, sDrv) if idxFirst < 1 then exit function idxBeg = idxFirst + Len(sDrv) if Mid(sLC,idxBeg,1) = "{" then idxEnd = InStr(idxBeg, sLC, "}") if idxEnd > 0 and Mid(sLC,idxEnd+1,1) = ";" then idxEnd = idxEnd + 1 end if else idxEnd = InStr(idxBeg, sLC, ";") end if if idxEnd < 1 then idxEnd = Len(sLC) FP_RemoveDriverWithDSN = Left(sAttrs,idxFirst-1) & Mid(sAttrs,idxEnd+1) End Function Sub FP_OpenRecordset(rs) On Error Resume Next rs.Open End Sub Function FP_ReplaceQuoteChars(sQry) Dim sIn Dim sOut Dim idx sIn = sQry sOut = "" idx = InStr(sIn, "%%") Do While (idx > 0) sOut = sOut & Left(sIn, idx - 1) sIn = Mid(sIn, idx + 2) if (Left(sIn,1) = "%") And (Left(sIn,2) <> "%%") then sIn = Mid(sIn, 2) sOut = sOut & "%" end if sOut = sOut & "::" idx = InStr(sIn, "%%") if idx > 0 then sOut = sOut & Left(sIn, idx - 1) sIn = Mid(sIn, idx + 2) sOut = sOut & "::" if (Left(sIn,1) = "%") And (Left(sIn,2) <> "%%") then sIn = Mid(sIn, 2) sOut = sOut & "%" end if end if idx = InStr(sIn, "%%") Loop sOut = sOut & sIn FP_ReplaceQuoteChars = sOut End Function Sub FP_Close(obj) On Error Resume Next obj.Close End Sub Sub FP_SetCursorProperties(rs) On Error Resume Next rs.CursorLocation = 3 ' adUseClient rs.CursorType = 3 ' adOpenStatic End Sub %> <% if 0 then %> <% end if %> <% fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM TSLRestInfo WHERE (NOMBRE LIKE '%::NOMBRE::%' OR CIUDAD LIKE '%::CIUDAD::%' OR ESTADO = '::ESTADO::' AND ZIPCODE = ::ZIPCODE::)" fp_sDefault="NOMBRE=NOMBRE&CIUDAD=CIUDAD&ESTADO=ESTADO&ZIPCODE=ZIPCODE" fp_sNoRecords="No records returned." fp_sDataConn="LiveRestInfo" fp_iMaxRecords=256 fp_iCommandType=1 fp_iPageSize=0 fp_fTableFormat=False fp_fMenuFormat=False fp_sMenuChoice="ID" fp_sMenuValue="ID" fp_sColTypes="&ID=3&NOMBRE=202&DIRECCION=202&CIUDAD=202&ESTADO=202&ZIPCODE=3&CONDADO=202&AREATEL=5&TELEFONO=202&AREAFAX=3&FAX=202&TIPICOS=202&ESPECIALIDAD=202&LINEAPRO1=203&LINEAPRO2=203&LINEAPRO3=203&LINEPRO4=203&SERVICIO=202&ENTRETENI=202&ADOMICILIO=202&TARJETAS=202&WEBSITE=202&WEBMENU=202&COUPON=202&EMAIL=203&INTWEBSITE=202&CONTACT=202&CPOSICION=202&CEMAIL=203&CAREATEL=3&CTEL=202&Timestamp=135&MINIBANNER=203&TIENEWEBSITE=202&TIENEWEBMENU=203&EXTRAINFO1=203&Remote_computer_name1=202&User_name1=202&Browser_type1=202&Timestamp2=135&" fp_iDisplayCols=31 fp_fCustomQuery=False BOTID=0 fp_iRegion=BOTID %> <% FP_SetLocaleForPage ' determine whether or not to provide navigation controls if fp_iPageSize > 0 then fp_fShowNavbar = True else fp_fShowNavbar = False end if fp_sPagePath = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") fp_sEnvKey = fp_sPagePath & "#fpdbr_" & fp_iRegion fp_sFormName = "fpdbr_" & CStr(fp_iRegion) fp_sFormKey = fp_sFormName & "_PagingMove" fp_sInputs = fp_sDefault fp_sFirstLabel = " |< " fp_sPrevLabel = " < " fp_sNextLabel = " > " fp_sLastLabel = " >| " fp_sDashLabel = " -- " if not IsEmpty(Request(fp_sFormKey)) then fp_sMoveType = Request(fp_sFormKey) else fp_sMoveType = "" end if fp_iCurrent=1 fp_fError=False fp_bBlankField=False Set fp_dictInputs = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") fp_sQry = FP_ReplaceQuoteChars(fp_sQry) ' replace any input parameters in query string Do While (Not fp_fError) And (InStr(fp_iCurrent, fp_sQry, "::") <> 0) ' found a opening quote, find the close quote fp_iStart = InStr(fp_iCurrent, fp_sQry, "::") fp_iEnd = InStr(fp_iStart + 2, fp_sQry, "::") If fp_iEnd = 0 Then fp_fError = True Response.Write "Database Results Error: mismatched parameter delimiters" Else fp_sField = Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart + 2, fp_iEnd - fp_iStart - 2) fp_sValue = Request.Form(fp_sField) if len(fp_sValue) = 0 then fp_sValue = Request.QueryString(fp_sField) ' if the named form field doesn't exist, make a note of it If (len(fp_sValue) = 0) Then fp_iStartField = InStr(fp_sDefault, fp_sField & "=") if fp_iStartField > 0 then fp_iStartField = fp_iStartField + len(fp_sField) + 1 fp_iEndField = InStr(fp_iStartField,fp_sDefault,"&") if fp_iEndField > 0 then fp_sValue = Mid(fp_sDefault,fp_iStartField,fp_iEndField - fp_iStartField) else fp_sValue = Mid(fp_sDefault,fp_iStartField) end if end if End If ' remember names and values used in query if not fp_dictInputs.Exists(fp_sField) then fp_dictInputs.Add fp_sField, fp_sValue end if ' this next finds the named form field value, and substitutes in ' doubled single-quotes for all single quotes in the literal value ' so that SQL doesn't get confused by seeing unpaired single-quotes If (Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1, 1) = """") Then fp_sValue = Replace(fp_sValue, """", """""") ElseIf (Mid(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1, 1) = "'") Then fp_sValue = Replace(fp_sValue, "'", "''") End If If (len(fp_sValue) = 0) Then fp_bBlankField = True fp_sQry = Left(fp_sQry, fp_iStart - 1) & fp_sValue & Right(fp_sQry, Len(fp_sQry) - fp_iEnd - 1) ' Fixup the new current position to be after the substituted value fp_iCurrent = fp_iStart + Len(fp_sValue) End If Loop ' establish connection If Not fp_fError Then if Application(fp_sDataConn & "_ConnectionString") = "" then Err.Description = "The database connection named '" & fp_sDataConn & "' is undefined.

" Err.Description = Err.Description & "This problem can occur if:
" Err.Description = Err.Description & "* the connection has been removed from the web
" Err.Description = Err.Description & "* the file 'global.asa' is missing or contains errors
" Err.Description = Err.Description & "* the root folder does not have Scripting permissions enabled
" Err.Description = Err.Description & "* the web is not marked as an Application Root
" fp_fError = True end if if Not fp_fError then set fp_conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") fp_conn.ConnectionTimeout = Application(fp_sDataConn & "_ConnectionTimeout") fp_conn.CommandTimeout = Application(fp_sDataConn & "_CommandTimeout") fp_sConn = Application(fp_sDataConn & "_ConnectionString") fp_sUid = Application(fp_sDataConn & "_RuntimeUserName") fp_sPwd = Application(fp_sDataConn & "_RuntimePassword") Err.Clear FP_OpenConnection fp_conn, fp_sConn, fp_sUid, fp_sPwd, Not(fp_fCustomQuery) if Err.Description <> "" then fp_fError = True end if if Not fp_fError then set fp_cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") fp_cmd.CommandText = fp_sQry fp_cmd.CommandType = fp_iCommandType set fp_cmd.ActiveConnection = fp_conn set fp_rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set fp_rs.Source = fp_cmd If fp_iCommandType = 4 Then fp_cmd.Parameters.Refresh Do Until Len(fp_sInputs) = 0 fp_iLoc = InStr(fp_sInputs,"=") if fp_iLoc = 0 then exit do fp_sKey = Left(fp_sInputs,fp_iLoc - 1) fp_sInputs = Mid(fp_sInputs,fp_iLoc + 1) fp_iLoc = InStr(fp_sInputs,"&") if fp_iLoc = 0 then fp_sInpVal = fp_sInputs fp_sInputs = "" else fp_sInpVal = Left(fp_sInputs,fp_iLoc - 1) fp_sInputs = Mid(fp_sInputs,fp_iLoc + 1) end if fp_sVal = Request.Form(fp_sKey) if len(fp_sVal) = 0 then fp_sVal = Request.QueryString(fp_sKey) if len(fp_sVal) = 0 then fp_sVal = fp_sInpVal fp_pType = fp_cmd.Parameters(fp_sKey).Type select case fp_pType case 129, 200, 201, 130, 202, 203 ' adChar, adVarChar, adLongVarChar, adWChar, adVarWChar, adLongVarWChar fp_cmd.Parameters(fp_sKey).Size = Len(fp_sVal) + 1 case else ' do nothing end select ' remember names and values used in query if not fp_dictInputs.Exists(fp_sKey) then fp_dictInputs.Add fp_sKey, fp_sVal end if fp_cmd.Parameters(fp_sKey) = fp_sVal Loop End If If fp_iMaxRecords <> 0 Then fp_rs.MaxRecords = fp_iMaxRecords FP_SetCursorProperties(fp_rs) FP_OpenRecordset(fp_rs) end if If Err.Description <> "" Then if fp_fTableFormat then Response.Write "
" end if Response.Write "" Response.Write "Database Results Error
" if Not fp_fError then Response.Write "Description: " & Err.Description & "
" Response.Write "Number: " & Err.Number & " (0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")
" Response.Write "Source: " & Err.Source & "
" else Response.Write Err.Description end if if fp_bBlankField Then Response.Write "
One or more form fields were empty." Response.Write " You should provide default values for all form fields that are used in the query." End If Response.Write "
" if fp_fTableFormat then Response.Write "
" end if Response.Write "
" if fp_iAbsPage > 1 then fp_sType = "Submit" fp_sLabel = fp_sFirstLabel else fp_sType = "Button" fp_sLabel = fp_sDashLabel end if Response.Write "" if fp_iAbsPage > 1 then fp_sLabel = fp_sPrevLabel Response.Write "" if fp_iAbsPage < fp_rs.PageCount then fp_sType = "Submit" fp_sLabel = fp_sNextLabel else fp_sType = "Button" fp_sLabel = fp_sDashLabel end if Response.Write "" if fp_iAbsPage < fp_rs.PageCount then fp_sLabel = fp_sLastLabel Response.Write "" Response.Write " [" & fp_iAbsPage & "/" & fp_rs.PageCount & "]" ' remember names and values used in query for each fp_sKey in fp_dictInputs fp_sVal = fp_dictInputs.Item(fp_sKey) Response.Write "" next Response.Write "
" if fp_fTableFormat then Response.Write "